About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Congrats Max!

If you did not have the pleasure to attend Max's Bar Mitzvah yesterday, you certainly missed an event! Max did such a great job during the services and his party was an event to be seen at. I've only got a few shots to share you'll have to ask Grandma for the entire collection. But I do have some of Jacob that are to irresistible.

Jacob having fun at the party, eating as usual.

MMMMMMMM..........This cake is GOOOOOD!

Okay now I have to work off all those calories!

Boogie Down Jacob!

Still going, just like the energizer bunny! Apparently when Rebekah takes pictures I have no head :)

We had a great time Max.

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