About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Universal Studios Through New Years

Through the generosity of Grandma Sharlene and Grandpa Dave Rebekah and I were able to spend 2-days at Universal Studios with most of the rest of the family. We had such a great time. Rebekah, who is not a fast ride person, was a little apprehensive at first. When she realized that grandma rode most of the rides she felt much better and had a great time.....

This first picture is of Rebekah and Jacob at grandma's on Christmas day. I thought I would start by adding this wonderful moment.

Our day begins on Saturday the 29th, after a very long drive we arrive at Universal Studios in Hollywood.

Rebekah at Mel's Diner.

Rebekah with the shuttle from Apollo 13.

The one exhibit that Rebekah talked about for weeks before we went to Universal Studios was the "I Love Lucy" exhibit. The exhibit went through the entire Lucile Ball career. If you know anything about Rebekah then you know she absolutely LOVES Lucy. She spends her free time watching "I Love Lucy" videos and laughing like crazy. So at this point in the day she was in heaven.

One of the AMAZING scenes from Backdraft.

Leave it to Rebekah to find the one hint of Jewishness in Universal Studios.

Rebekah about to get soaked on Jurassic Park the Ride.

Anyone for a trip to Who-Ville?

How about a visit to the Bates Motel? (My favorite part of the whole day)

Spending time with the Simpson's in Springfield.

Kim taking a ride on the motorcycle from Terminator.

Rebekah spent some time in Paris.

Finally, what did we do on New Years Day? Well it began with us watching the Rose Bowl Parade, Jacob seems very comfortable doesn't he?

We rounded out our day with a game of football in the backyard, Jacobs idea of football is for him to throw it and one of us to retrieve the football for him.

Just one last picture of Jacob enjoying the time in the backyard. 2007 was a great year, our hopes for 2008 is health and joy for our family and friends.

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