About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let the Festivities BEGIN!

I will begin tonight by quoting one of Jacob's favorite books......

"Rainbow candles I see 1, Chanukah has just begun."

We began the evening with Jacob attempting to put his candles into his menorah.

With a little help from mom we finally got there.

Rebekah started the gift opening with one thing on her mind..............

BOOTS! I guess if she wants to walk around looking like a mountain man, then so be it.

Jacob very much enjoyed the fire truck that Rebekah gave him.

He was even more excited to see that a firehouse came with the truck.

Happy Hannukah!

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