About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hanukah Day 7 - Still Going Strong

"Rainbow candles I see 7, golden flames leap up to Heaven".

Let's count the candles to make sure that we have them all.

Jacob has become very good at imitating the act of lighting the candles. He'll definitely be ready in a few years to do it on his own.

More presents.......hey this looks like clothes.......

But that's okay these are really cool clothes. Nothing beats Seahawk gear! (WOO-HOO 42-21 win yesterday to clinch the Division Title!) Thanks grandma and grandpa.

Jacob really likes to see what Rebekah gets. He is absolutely enthralled with all her glittery jewelery and such. Thanks grandma and grandpa for the necklace.

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