About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Soccer Season YAHOO!

Well it's that time again, SOCCER! Rebekah had a chance to get some extra play time in by subbing for our "B" team. We were lucky that the photographer got some great action shots of Rebekah.

I thought that these were to two best shots of the game....They show Rebekah at her best!

Look at the height that she gets and no problem protecting that goal.

She has really learned to use her body in the game, and is not afraid to take that ball away from her opponents.

That's right Rebekah! Get that ball!

I love how she shows no fear during the game.

Look at that concentration on her face.

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