About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Monday, January 21, 2008


What a weekend....from Saturday morning until Sunday evening we spent our time on the soccer fields. Rebekah's team who won their division this last December took on some pretty good teams this weekend. Rebekah remains the only goalie on the team (and probably in our division) who has not been scored on. We had shut-outs for all three of our scheduled games and although we played hard we lost our semi-final game last night, a little bittersweet the girls wanted to sweep the tournament but also by the time we finished our semi-final game they were ready to go home. We start indoor this coming weekend and then off to the State Cup! I never thought that we would become the very definition of a soccer family.

Enjoying some much needed rest at halftime.

Oh and by the way, you see that girl who stands a head taller than everyone else???? That would be Rebekah. Hmmmmmm... I wonder why she plays goalie.

Getting into position...

And Jacob just relaxing at Starbucks with mom and dad.

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