About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bed Update & Camp Already!!!!!

Okay so it's been 3 days and I am slowing getting over the horrendous loss of the Seahawks. It was a good run and maybe next season will be better. Anyway off my football tangent.....back to the real news. Jacob has really taken to his new bed. Once we get him to stay in the bed, that alone is enough to wear anyone down, he actually does sleep in his bed and he even seems to be sleeping better than he was in the crib. Our nightly routine wears us all down. We START at 7:15 and he is usually in the bed and asleep by 8:30. So you may ask what takes all the time....well that would be us putting Jacob in his bed and then putting Jacob in his bed and then putting Jacob in his bed....well you get the idea. He thinks it's really amusing to get into bed, wait for us to leave the room and then get out of bed and start dancing around the room. As I said he thinks it's quite amusing and to tell you the truth it is very cute and both David and I have to keep ourselves from laughing when we go back into tuck him in for the 10th time. We'll survive......the next journey POTTY TRAINING!

6th Grade Camp
Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday that I went to 6th grade camp. I remember having such a great time and I was lucky enough to have my big sister in the cabin next to me as a counselor. Well we are on the countdown to 1 week before Rebekah leaves for 6th grade camp and she is sooooooo excited that she's about to burst. We've gone shopping, we've begun packing and now she's just crossing days off the calendar.

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