About Us

Welcome....This is the story of our family. As the parents of a 3-year old and an 12-year old we are on a non-stop journey through life that includes diapers, teething, soccer, and middle school. Believe it or not, the latter seems to be the most difficult.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thank You Grandma and Grandpa

So what came in the mail today you may ask. That would be grandma and grandpa Ward's birthday presents. The one that received the best reviews was the Spiderman costume. It was on almost immediately.

We are now ready for bed, Jacob tells me.

We wore it to the bathroom, where we are spending a lot of time right now, WE WILL BE POTTY TRAINED SOOOOOOON!

We also wore it to brush our teeth. Luckily for us we were able to pry off the mask to get to the teeth. Oh the days for princess costumes and tiaras.

Jacob Birthday Part 2

So Jacob has recently decided that he likes horses and pretty much all kind of animals, so we thought there was no better idea than to put horses on his birthday cake. It was YUMMY!

Happy Birthday.....It is so cute now that he understands what a birthday is and what that means....CAKE of course.

I just could not resist getting a picture of Rebekah and Jacob.

When Jacob got his bike he was unsure of what to do. I don't think he thought he was able to ride it in the house.........

But when he looks at grandma with those big eyes he gets to do whatever he wants.

And this was my favorite picture of the night. Rebekah and Jacob hanging out on the swing before dinner.

It was a great birthday party. The funniest part of the night was when Max kept asking Jacob how old he was. Jacob kept answering "2". Max said he didn't know how old he was. This was the 9th and Jacob's birthday is the 10th. So I asked Jacob when his birthday was and he said "tomorrow" and then I asked him how old he was today and he said "2". Finally when I asked him how old he would be tomorrow he said "3". Way to logical for my children, proof he is related to his dad.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Jacob

Well tomorrow we officially have a three year old. But as we all work tomorrow we celebrated today. I'll post more details later but I wanted to get one picture on before I collapsed on the couch.......Jacob on his brand new tricycle!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So just a quick entry tonight. Save the date...October 10, 2009. Why you may ask? That is the date that Rebekah will become a Bat Mitzvah. It is so hard to believe that we have finally got to this point. We are all very excited and very nervous, but I'm sure she'll be just fine. Hope you all can make it.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was pretty tame around here for a first. Rebekah decided that she was not into the trick or treating this year and with Jacob not feeling well most of the week he watched the "trick-treaters" as he calls them. He did have a costume, Spiderman with a cape. Now I know that Spiderman does not have a cape, but don't tell Jacob that. Earlier in the week we went to the pumpkin pathch and stayed long enough to get the pumpkins and get out, I'm sorry but when it's 105 outside it is just not pumpkin patch time! Enjoy the pics! The next milestone......Jacob's 3rd birthday in 9 DAYS!

Rebekah & Jacob looking for the perfect pumpkin.

That might be it!

Jacob is the best Spiderman there is! Look he has webbed arms and everything!

WOOOOOOO.......Look at me. Maybe I can fly!

Tuckered out after a long night.........and yes those are Spiderman slippers on his hands, don't ask.

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